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The Classroom Mini-Economy
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ISBN: 978-1-56183-627-7

Introduce your students to real-world economic activity...without leaving your classroom!

This nuts-and-bolts teacher's guide has all the tools and resources you need to create a functioning economy right inside your classroom. At the end of this comprehensive simulation, your students will have a thorough understanding of our economy.

Simulate Real-World Economic Activity

This semester-long simulation uses realistic activities that mirror everyday economic behavior. By immersing themselves in a classroom economy, your students will understand their role in the global marketplace… giving them a crucial advantage as they move through the upper grades and ultimately enter the workforce.

You'll have a time-tested template that makes setting up your classroom economy simple:

  • Economics instruction - step-by-step lessons and in-depth instructions make integrating the Mini-Economy into your curriculum simple
  • Classroom management - discover tips on designing & implementing your economy
  • Application of basic skills - help your student hone important life skills, such as teamwork and negotiation skills
  • Money management - personal finance is more important today than ever - especially for young students. You'll give your students valuable practice managing money

At the end of your simulation, you'll turn out confident consumers and budding entrepreneurs - not to mention creative students!

Teach Life Skills with these Lesson Plans

These activities tap into the boundless creativity of your young students. On top of invaluable teamwork and negotiation skills, your students will explore new territory when they: apply for jobs

  • run businesses
  • pay taxes
  • and make investments

This entrepreneurial simulation not only integrates your students into a realistic U.S. economy, but it instills a priceless sense of creativity in your students.

And your students will have the knowledge and self-confidence to face the challenges of the world head-on. They'll understand how our economy functions, and discover practical strategies they can use to get ahead in life.

An Easy-to-Integrate Simulation

It's easy to add The Classroom Mini-Economy to your curriculum. You'll give your students cross-curricular exposure to math, reading and writing… so you'll get more from your classroom with less effort!

Along the way, your students will master essential economics principles and easily apply them to their other classes, both today and in the future.

Implementing and Using the Simulation

The easy-to-use Teacher's Manual includes:

  • An Economic Primer for Teachers
  • Reproducible Mini-Economy Aids
  • Student Worksheets, and more ...

You'll use a variety of creative teaching techniques to deliver economics concepts. For instance, your students earn play money to spend in a class store that is created and managed by your students! This circular flow of energy and ideas mimics the realities of the marketplace and is an unbeatable way to simulate real-world economic activity.

You'll receive the tools, tips and techniques you need to successfully implement your Mini-Economy. Plus, a special Middle School guide shows you how to add advanced concepts to your curriculum.

You'll also find a web link to the new Mini-Economy Banking Program, which allows your students to do their banking on the computer.

Evaluations and Assessments

The unique Mini-Economy Tests for grades 2-3 and 4-6 give you the ideal vehicle for assessing your students' mastery of the economic content.
