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Financial Fitness For Life USB Flash Drive
ISBN: 978-1-56183-725-0

The Financial Fitness for Life (FFFL) USB Flash Drive provides high-quality instructional materials for grades K-12. The USB includes the teacher manuals and complementary student workbooks.

  • The materials on the USB Drive are separated into four grade bands (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12) for ease of use
  • Within each of the grade bands, lessons are clustered in themes
  • The overarching goal of the materials is to help students make thoughtful, well-informed decisions about important aspects of personal finance, including earning income, spending, saving, borrowing, investing, and managing money
  • The teacher and student guides are intended to work in tandem; the teacher guides contain the pedagogy and lesson descriptions while the student guides contain the corresponding exercises to be used in and out of the classroom
  • All lessons are available in PDF format, making them easy to print or save to your computer
  • The electronic format allows you to project lessons, activities and more in your classroom
  • Included in the USB is a custom "search tool” that will let you to search through all 70 lessons to find the exact keyword, grade level or lesson title you're looking for

You can also purchase the individual print and/or e-book versions specific to each grade bands:

CEE’s USB drives are supported by Mac and Windows operating systems, but are not compatible with Chromebooks or mobile devices.